
Today, 13th November 2017, is #WorldKindnessDay and we’ve been asking each other – “What small act are you going to try today to help make a difference to someone’s day?

The word ‘kind’ is described in the dictionary as ‘generous, helpful and thinking about other people’s feelings’. Being kind doesn’t necessarily have to mean being generous with money or time, it can be a small or big a gesture as you like – it’s how it impacts the receiver that counts.

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    What are SkinViva doing for #WorldKindnessDay?

    This fits right into the lovely Jade’s hands, one of our Customer Experience team members who is the first initial point of contact with our clients before booking in for treatment. She LOVES anything to do with the culture at SkinViva and boosting morale. So naturally, Jade was keen to make a sing and dance about #WorldKindnessDay.

    There were two things Jade wanted to get out of today:

    • What can we encourage our clients to do as an act of kindness to help pay it forward
    • How can SkinViva show an act of kindness to all the amazing employees


    What SkinViva are asking you to do for #WorldKindnessDay?

    Last week, all the SkinViva team jotted down a “Random Act of Kindness”. We’re asking YOU (yes, you!), to pick one to do!!

    1. Put a surprise note in your child’s lunchbox.
    2. Invite someone who will be alone at Christmas round for dinner.
    3. Make extra dinner and take some to an elderly neighbour.
    4. Giving somebody your shopping trolley with the pound still in it, so they don’t have to faff.
    5. Compliment a stranger.
    6. Bringing a neighbour’s wheelie bin in for them.
    7. Donating food to your local food bank, or homeless shelter.
    8. Let somebody in front of you in the supermarket queue.
    9. Smile at a stranger.
    10. Taking part in Meat Free Monday! Benefits not only the environment, but your health and the lives of animals.
    11. Buy a coffee for the person behind you in the queue at the coffee shop.
    12. Buying something to eat/drink for a homeless person.
    13. Volunteer at your local senior home, and be company for its residents for an hour or two. AgeUK are always requiring volunteers.
    14. Go and visit that relative you never get around to visiting.
    15. Take a bunch of flowers to your Mum/Nanna/partner, just because.
    16. Offering your elderly neighbour to do the shop for them (this one is especially kind in the winter months when it is icy on ground)
    17. Have a sort out and donate all unwanted items to a local charity shop.
    18. Remind yourself that everybody is fighting their own struggles.

    The SkinViva team are also getting involved in the above. Our Customer Experience Director, Miranda, is actually off to the homeless shelter tonight to donate some food! We’re excited to hear how it made her feel.

    How did SkinViva offer an act of kindness to the team?

    world-kindness-day-skinviva#worldkindnessdayOur board of directors are far from a bunch of dragons. So, when Jade pitched the idea of getting everyone breakfast and bucks fizz to start the week off with a bang, they happily obliged – it’s safe to say, every office could do with a Jade!

    and I tell you what, it didn’t half shift the Monday morning blues. Nice work, Jade.


    What have you done today to show your kindness to others? Big or small, we’d love to hear not only your act but how it made you feel and the person at the other end! Please comment below.

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