Will I get hamster cheeks?

When you think about hamster cheeks you think they’re really cute right?

WRONG – people are nervous that they themselves will have chubby hamster style cheeks following a Cheek Enhancement procedure!

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    Here at SkinViva Manchester, you don’t need to worry about looking too fake and done (or like a hamster).

    hamster cheeks filler treatment result

    So – what do we mean by Hamster Cheeks?

    Hamster Cheeks (also known as Pillow Face) is the name for someone who has very obviously had filler put in their cheeks.

    This can result in the cheeks looking too high up and filled (just like a hamster does when they eat their food).

    People are also worried that adding Dermal Filler into your cheeks will make them appear bigger and chubbier – which is definitely something people don’t want.

    It is a shame that Cheek Filler has this reputation because this is certainly not the case with results at SkinViva.

    Why don’t SkinViva clients get hamster cheeks?

    Dr Ahmed says

    ‘When we assess you, we like to take into consideration proportions and ratios that suit your face and not just fill your cheeks’.

    This means that our clinicians use the scientific rules of beauty to decide exactly where and how much filler to use on different individuals. Click here to read all about the Golden Ratio.

    Every face is different, and treatments are tailored to each client.

    So why should I have Cheek Enhancement?

    Cheek Filler has a lot of benefits that people aren’t necessarily aware of.

    For example, having filler placed inside the cheeks can really improve the appearance of the under-eye area without specifically treating the Tear Troughs.

    cheeks before and after

    Cheek Enhancement also lifts and tightens the skin around the high points of the cheeks, making your face look very defined and slim.  (The very opposite of chubby)

    Dr Ahmed also says that

    ‘When we do fill in your cheeks we make sure it fits in with natural beauty proportions’

    Sign me up!

    Treatment: Cheek Enhancement
    Price: £279 per 1ml (standard) £395 per 1ml (premium)
    How long does it last: between 6-18 months
    How long does it take: Around 30-45 minutes

    To book call us on 0161 865 2491 or fill out the enquiry form on this page.

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