Experts have claimed that you can tell a lot about someone by the size and shape of their lips!
In an article published by Cosmopolitan, face reading expert Jane Haner has revealed the ways in which a person’s pout can provide an insight into their personal relationships.
According to Jane, the way that we interact with friends, family and significant others is reflected in our facial features, allowing experts to analyse a person’s behavioural traits without even having to speak to them… and no feature is more telling than the mouth.
In her new book The Wisdom of the Face, Jane goes in to detail about the six main types of lips, and the different character traits that they symbolise.
Average LipsPeople with an average mouth tend to be level-headed and even-tempered in their relationships. Enjoying closeness but avoiding neediness and drama, people with average lips make steady and reliable partners. |
![]() Kendall Jenner: By Georges Biard, CC BY-SA 3.0, |
Full LipsHaving full lips means that you are predisposed to traits such empathy and compassion. Those lucky enough to be born with a full pout are often drawn to careers that involve helping others and will usually put their partners needs ahead of their own. |
![]() Angelina Jolie: By Foreign and Commonwealth Office – |
Thin LipsThose born with less luscious lips are usually found to be strong minded and independent. Sometimes labelled as a loner, those with a thin mouth enjoy their own company and can often value time by themselves over time with a significant other. |
![]() Kirsten Dunst: By Georges Biard, CC BY-SA 3.0, |
Plump LipsSome lips are plumper in the middle and thinner at the edges. According to Jane, this plumpness indicates that the person is bold and confident. People with plumper lips are often the life and soul of the party, keeping friends and family endlessly entertained with their charismatic ways. |
![]() Chrissy Tiegen: By David Shankbone – Own work, CC BY 3.0, |
Defined Cupid’s BowA strong cupid’s bow is often a sign of a true artist. People blessed with a beautiful bow are typically creative, sharp witted and a gifted communicator, however, their sharp mind can sometimes translate into a sharp tongue and may get them into trouble with family and friends. |
![]() Taylor Swift: By Paolo VillanuevaUploaded by MyCanon – Taylor Swift, CC BY 2.0, |
No Defined Cupid’s BowPeople with no cupid’s bow are often the most generous by nature. They are usually responsible, but can be prone to rash decisions when it comes to caring for their loved ones. These people will typically let their heart rule their head and can easily be manipulated if they aren’t careful. |
![]() Julia Roberts: By David Shankbone – Own work, CC BY 3.0, |
Read more about this article on the Daily Mail:
Face reading expert on how the size and shape of your LIPS reveal key personality quirks
If you would like to improve the shape of your lips, boost the volume or address symmetry, then lip enhancement fillers could offer a solution. SkinViva offer a choice of 5 quite specific lip enhancement procedures, each of which is designed to address a specific issue with a result which is always flattering and never over the top.
SkinViva’s doctors & dentists offer free consultations at their main clinic in Manchester and also work closely with partner locations across the North West. Clinics are held at salons and centres in Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire, Manchester, Stockport and Bury.
A consultation is always required prior to any cosmetic treatment and this is arranged with an experienced aesthetic practitioner. The same individual would carry out treatment and this can normally be done at the same appointment if required.
SkinViva was established in 2008 and has an excellent reputation for offering high quality skin treatments in the North West.
For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation with a cosmetic doctor or dentist, please call 0161 865 1141, email
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