Eyelash Growth Serum

There is no doubt that eyelashes are a pretty and appealing feature. Now, with a once daily home application, there’s a way to grow your natural lashes longer, darker and thicker

Why choose eyelash enhancement serum?

There is no doubt that eyelashes are a pretty and appealing feature. Good eyelashes frame the face and define the eye area. For many of us, this can only be achieved with false eyelashes or extensions and plenty of mascara to really boost the lashes.

At last, there is a way to make your own natural eyelashes thicker and longer.

A once daily home application of our special eyelash growth serum makes your own lashes grow longer and thicker.

Results are noticeable after the first month of use and build up to their full impact after 3 months.

Our before and after pictures show what results can be achieved using eyelash enhancement serum.

FREE Consultation

A consultation with our Aesthetic Clinicians is the first step. This is free of charge at SkinViva clinic in Manchester (deposit payable to secure your appointment).

After your suitability for treatment has been verified, you’ll then receive supplies of eyelash growth serum to use at home. You’ll also receive full instructions and advice on how to get the best results.

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    Longer, thicker, darker lashes after using eyelash enhancement serum

    This patient's beautiful before and after photos show lashes before treatment

    5 weeks later

    eyelash serum after 2

    How does eyelash enhancement serum work?

    How does eyelash growth serum work?

    The once-daily application of our eyelash growth serum extends the time period that each individual eyelash stays in the growth stage (anagen stage) of the hair growth cycle. As a result, lashes grow stronger, thicker, darker, and longer.

    Average results achieved are lashes which are:

    • 25% longer
    • 106% thicker
    • 18% darker

    As you get underway with applying the serum, you’ll first notice changes in length. Then, gradually, you’ll see more thickness and the lashes will appear darker. If you’re pleased with how things are going by the time you get to around 8 weeks then don’t stop there. Full results are seen at around week 16 by which time you’ll have the full effect of your longer, thicker, darker eyelashes.

    What does eyelash enhancement serum cost?

    Eyelash growth serum treatment prices Upfront price 3 monthly payments Deposit
    Eyelash Enhancement – 3 month supply £195.00 £43.33 £65.00

    Got a Question?

    Can I use the same bottle for longer than one month?
    Manufacturer's guidelines state that a bottle should be disposed of after a month and a fresh bottle opened for use.
    What if I wear contact lenses?
    You need to apply the eyelash growth serum while you have your contact lenses out of your eye. Once you've applied, wait 15 minutes before inserting your contact lenses.
    What side effects should I consider with using the eyelash growth serum?
    Side effects are few and far between but the most common side effects include possible redness, itchiness and skin dryness around the area of application. More rare side effects can include darkening of the eyelid skin which can be reversible. Accidental continued incidence of getting the serum into the eye itself can possible have a side effect of causing increased brown iris pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely to be permanent. This is extremely rare but getting the serum into the eye should always be avoided.

    It is possible for hair growth to occur in other areas of your skin that the serum frequently touches. Any excess solution outside the upper eyelid margin should be blotted with a tissue or other absorbent material to reduce the chance of this happening.
    What happens if I stop using the eyelash serum?
    Continued use of the serum will cause your lashes to grow thicker, longer, and darker. Once you stop using the serum, new eyelashes which grow through will grow at the normal rate that they used to grow at before you used the serum.
    Do I get a discount if I buy more than one bottle?
    One bottle of the serum costs £70 but if you buy three bottles giving you three months' supply it costs £195 saving you £15.
    How do I apply the serum?
    Once you've had your consultation and decided to go ahead with purchasing the serum, you'll be given a eyelash serum pack to take home. As well as the serum bottles and instructions, you'll also be given special applicators which you need to use to coat your lashes with. It's important you follow the instructions we give you accurately.
    Will I be shown how to apply the serum?
    Yes. In your consultation with the Aesthetic Clinician everything will be explained to you.

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