Crows’ Feet Lines

The eyes are an important facial feature which can be diminished by the fine lines and wrinkles (known as crows’ feet). Luckily, the SkinViva aesthetic medical professionals are all highly trained to restore your eyes to a more youthful appearance…

What are crows' feet?

Above and beyond seeing the world around us, we use our eyes so much in order to form all kinds of expressions. Over time, movements such as squinting, laughing, and smiling causes lines and creases to form at the corners of the eyes. Because of the shape of these wrinkles we commonly refer to them as ‘crow’s-feet’.

In our younger days the wrinkles that form at the sides of the eyes disappear when we relax our eyes and face but as we get older these lines start to appear even when our face is relaxed and rested. This is when we start to show our age and years of hard work and stress around our eye area.

Crows’ feet treatment using anti-ageing injections allow us to restore a more youthful look and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles at the corners of the eyes.

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    Before crows' feet treatment

    After crows' feet treatment - a fresher look

    Before crows' feet treatment

    After crows' feet treatment - smoother skin around the eye area

    SkinViva centre of excellence logo

    How does crows' feet treatment work?

    Injectable treatment for lines around the eyes

    Before considering any treatment, we arrange a free consultation with one of our experienced clinicians. This will include a full assessment of your face and diagnosis of the key issues. Our clinician will then recommend whether treatment is appropriate and if so, which course of action is best for you.

    There are a number of treatment options that may be considered, including cosmetic injections. The presence of lines and fine wrinkles at the side of the eyes are can be improved almost instantaneously with a few small injections. When treated at the hands of an experienced SkinViva aesthetic medical professionals, the effect is that the lines are significantly reduced or will disappear completely. The effect is temporary but you can expect results to last 3 to 4 months before further treatment is recommended.

    What does it cost to treat crows' feet?

    Injectable treatment prices

    Wrinkle-Relaxing Treatment Prices

    Treatment Price 3 monthly payments Deposit
    Crows’ feet treatment £180.00 £26.67 £100.00

    Got a Question?

    What is BOTOX® and how does it work for the crows' feet?
    BOTOX® temporarily relaxes the muscle that causes an area of skin to crease. As a result of injecting the muscles at the side of the eyes, the nuisance lines and wrinkles known as the crows feet are reduced or disappear altogether.

    BOTOX® can also be used to lift eyebrows and improve other areas of concern on the face.
    Do I need an initial consultation before my BOTOX® crows' feet treatment?
    Yes, this is the very first step. We use the consultation to understand what you're looking to achieve and to explain how we can help reduce the lines around your eyes.

    Our clinician will fully assess your face and discuss your concerns. If they agree treatment is appropriate, they'll then explain the treatment options.

    You can usually have the injectable treatment at the same appointment as the consultation but there's no pressure to do so unless you are fully ready and the clinician is in full agreement.

    What are the treatment options?
    It depends on your individual circumstances. In general terms:

    - BOTOX® is used to smooth out wrinkles in the upper half of the face (e.g. your crows' feet).
    - Dermal fillers plump areas of lost volume, such as nose-to-mouth lines, or to enhance lips.
    Which areas can BOTOX® treat generally?
    As well as treating the crows' feet at the sides of the eyes, it's very common for BOTOX® to be used in other areas of the upper face. Mostly, the top half of the face is where wrinkles are deepened by smiling and frowning.

    Luckily, BOTOX® is highly effective at correcting crow’s feet, forehead lines, frown lines, as well as treating vertical neck bands, grooves above the upper lip and gummy smiles.
    How soon will I see the results of BOTOX® to my crows' feet?
    Your initial results will appear within 2-5 days and continue to improve for up to 14 days, when the results will peak.

    With SkinViva, we contact you 14 days after your treatment to determine if you require a free top-up injection. If necessary, we'll book you in whenever you're free for a follow up.
    How long does BOTOX® last?
    Usually 3-4 months. In some cases, 6 months.
    Does treatment at the sides of the eyes hurt?
    No. SkinViva uses the smallest needles on the market, so few customers experience even mild discomfort around the eyes. Likewise, unlike some other operators, our Clinicians are trained to use lots of fresh needles per client, so bruising and any pain are minimised.

    If you prefer, ice or local anaesthetic cream can be applied to minimise sensation.
    How many injections will I need?
    4-6 injections at each side of the eye would be about normal
    How long will it take to treat my crows' feet?
    Usually, 10 minutes is all it takes – but new customers generally require a 45-minute appointment. This allows us more time to get to know you and to understand what you'd like to change about your appearance.
    How much will BOTOX® cost?
    BOTOX® is charged per muscle group – i.e. each individual area requiring treatment. If you need an immediate top-up for the same injection, it is free of charge.

    The crows' feet count as one area and therefore is available from £169 (for our direct debit scheme) or £180 in paying in one go.
    Will BOTOX® make me look frozen?
    No. SkinViva Clinicians are all trained to preserve movement to the degree you personally want to preserve your natural expressions.
    Is BOTOX® safe?
    Yes, when a qualified Clinician administers it. Cosmetic doses of BOTOX® are minuscule and over 450,000 UK procedures are performed each year. Allergic reactions are extremely rare.
    What do I need to consider after the BOTOX® treatment?
    As BOTOX® has no recovery time, there is little aftercare required. Immediately following treatment, you can enhance its effects by gently moving the treated area with mild facial exercises.

    For the first 2 hours after treatment, it’s important not to rub around your eyes so that the BOTOX® stays in the area we're looking to treat - your crows' feet! For the succeeding 24 hours, don’t engage in any vigorous exercise, drink alcohol or experience prolonged sun exposure – whether natural or artificial. This can limit the effectiveness of the treatment of the wrinkles at the sides of your eyes.
    Where does the BOTOX® go after the results fade?
    BOTOX® is broken down by the body during the first 48 hours of treatment, so does not accumulate in your system. Improved effects are visible with multiple treatments because the muscle is already relaxed from the previous session so your skin is creasing less and the wrinkles are not being reinforced.
    When the results from BOTOX® fade, will my wrinkles be worse than they were before?
    No. Your face simply returns to how it was prior to treatment.
    Are there any side effects with BOTOX® ?
    Some, but most are related to the actual act of injecting the skin, not the product itself. These include: minor redness or swelling around the injection site (which vanishes within 1-2hrs), minor bruising on occasions, headaches and a very small risk of infection around the entry point. In very rare cases, clients can experience a temporary droop of the eyelid.
    Who should avoid BOTOX®?
    There are certain contraindications, for example, pregnant and breastfeeding mums should not have treatment. Also people with neurological diseases such as Myasthenia Gravis and Parkinson’s Disease, consumers of certain antibiotics (namely Erythromycin) and those using blood-thinning medications including Warfarin or Heparin.

    Your Clinician will discuss these with you at your consultation.
    Will my family and friends know I've had BOTOX®?
    Most often those that know you notice you look fresher, but don't specifically know why.

    Perhaps those who have had a BOTOX® treatment themselves and are particularly observant may have an inkling.
    Do men have BOTOX® as well?
    We have a large male patient group which is ever growing. Anatomically BOTOX® is just as suitable as an anti-wrinkle treatment for guys as it is for ladies and just as a effective. Typically, men sometimes can have stronger muscles in the face than women which may mean a slightly higher dose is required to give the look you want.
    Can I go running after my BOTOX® treatment?
    No, you must wait until 24 hours after your BOTOX® treatment before you can go running or do any other form of strenuous exercise.
    Can I have BOTOX® if I am having other treatments? Such as glycolic peels, facials, dermaroller?
    Yes you can. If you are having BOTOX® treatment THEN another treatment, you must leave it 48 hours. If you had another treatment and then you wanted BOTOX®, you would have to wait 2 weeks before having your BOTOX® treatment.
    Can I drink alcohol after BOTOX® treatment?
    For the following 24 hours after you receive BOTOX® treatment, you must not drink alcohol. After 24 hours, it is fine to drink Alcohol.
    If I want semi-permanent make up would I have BOTOX® before or after treatment?
    You should have your BOTOX® treatment before having semi permanent make up treatment on your eyebrows. This is because the BOTOX® can move the position of your eye-brows temporarily.
    Can I go in the sun or use sunbeds after BOTOX® treatment?
    You should avoid heat for 24 hours. This includes the sun, sunbeds and hot baths and showers.
    Can I fly after treatment?
    Yes, there is no problem with flying after having BOTOX® treatment.
    How long do I have to wait between treatments?
    You need to wait 12 weeks between full treatment doses.
    How long after treatment can I have a follow up?
    The effects of BOTOX® treatment are not seen immediately. You should start to notice a difference about 3-7 days after your appointment and the treatment will be at its maximum at day 14. If you would like an adjustment to your BOTOX®, you’re welcome to book back in to be seen within the first month after your initial treatment and this will be free of charge.
    Do I need a follow up appointment?
    Not necessarily. Many people do not need to come back in for an adjustment. It is a personal choice, not a clinical necessity. We will send you a text message after 14 days to check how your treatment is looking. If you would like an adjustment to your BOTOX®, you’re welcome to book back in to be seen within the first month after your initial treatment.

    Real Patient Story

    Paul's experience of anti-ageing treatment

    “I didn’t know what expect at my first consultation with Tim but he reassured me that the changes would be subtle. This was important for me because I didn’t want people at work to know.

    “Since then I’ve been back six or seven times and have met Drs. Sharan, Lucy and Tim. All of them have been friendly and chatty. It’s easy for me to book in and the guys are helpful on the phone.

    “Since having the treatments I feel more relaxed about how I look because I’m not worrying about the few wrinkles that I had at age 30 and am totally comfortable with how natural it looks.”

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