BOTOX Side Effects and Complications You Might Experience
- It is very common to get a small tender red lump where you were injected. This should go within the first hour after treatment.
- You might get a bruise and/or redness following treatment. This is normal. This should go within 10 days, but it might take longer. Arnica tablets/cream can be used to help reduce bruising and can be purchased over the counter at a pharmacy.
- A small proportion of people suffer from headaches following Botox. These can be treated in the normal way with over the counter painkillers. If symptoms persist and/or if you’re in doubt, consult the appropriate NHS healthcare professional.
- A very small proportion of people suffer from flu-like symptoms following Botox. These can be treated in the normal way with over the counter flu remedies. If in doubt, consult the appropriate NHS healthcare professional.
- If you experience any of the following symptoms, call us on 0161 8651141 and we’ll book you a follow up appointment from 14 days after treatment: forehead/eyelid heaviness, forehead tightness, look more tired than before treatment, eyeshadow is hard to apply.
Dermal Filler Side Effects and Complications You Might Experience
- You might get a bruise following treatment. This is normal. This should go within 10 days, but it might take longer. Arnica tablets/cream can be used to help reduce bruising and can be purchased over the counter at a pharmacy.
- You might get swelling following treatment, especially with lip treatments. This should go within the first week after treatment. You can apply a cool compress to the area.
- Some tenderness is normal following treatment. If you have bad pain, please call us immediately on 0161 8651141 and leave a voicemail if it’s out of normal office hours.
- If your skin is white near where you were injected, please call us immediately on 0161 8651141 and leave a voicemail if it’s out of normal office hours.
- If you had redness on your nose following non-surgical rhinoplasty, please call us immediately on 0161 8651141 and we’ll book you a follow up appointment with the Clinician.
- Lumps are a fairly common side effect following filler treatment, particularly in lips. If the lump is tender, it’s probably a bruise under the skin and you should wait for the tenderness to go. If the lump is not tender and there is no discolouration, you can massage it by doing small circular motions over the lump for one minute twice a day. If the lump does not go, please call us on 0161 8651141 and we’ll book you a follow-up appointment with the Clinician.
Please call us on 0161 865 1141 if you have any concerns or questions about side effects or complications following treatment.
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I’m glad you talked that the lumps on your face would disappear after an hour. A few nights ago, my cousin mentioned that she was hoping to prevent the continuation of her wrinkles and have glowing skin. She asked if I had any idea what would be the best treatment to consider. I’ll tell her she can consult trusted botox filler services as they can provide more information about the botox treatment and process. Thanks to this enlightening skin care article.