SkinViva Clinic Loyalty Scheme
Unlock Discounts and Rewards.
With our new loyalty program, you’ll earn stamps for each treatment at SkinViva Clinic.
It’s free to join and our way of saying thank you for choosing us as your trusted partner in all things skin, skincare and aesthetics. These stamps can be redeemed for a choice of fabulous rewards:
- 3 stamps: enjoy 10% OFF treatment
- 6 stamps: treat yourself to a FREE facial on us
- 10 stamps: receive a fantastic 25% OFF treatment
How to join
The scheme couldn’t be easier. Simply pick up your loyalty collector card on your next visit and then get it stamped with each treatment. Sign up now and start enjoying the benefits of being a valued member of our community.
Redeeming your discount
Simply let us know whenever you’re ready to redeem your reward. We’ll check our systems and process your discount or free facial. What’s more, we’ll give you a NEW loyalty card so you can start collecting again straightaway!
Join our loyalty program today and start earning rewards for your dedication to looking and feeling your best.
Loyalty Scheme FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Terms & Conditions
- The loyalty card is for one named person only and cannot be shared
- Standard appointment cancellation terms and conditions apply
- We do not accept liability for lost, stolen or damaged cards
- The loyalty card has no monetary value and is non-refundable and non-exchangeable
- We reserve the right to a)terminate the scheme b)decline to issue loyalty cards c)alter or amend the terms of the scheme at any time
Collecting Stamps
- To collect loyalty stamps, your loyalty card must be presented at the time of your purchase. It is the sole responsibility of the client to get their card stamped before leaving the premises. We cannot be held liable if any of the stamps are missed.
- Stamps cannot be collected on retail products, the purchase of gift vouchers, follow up appointments, or complimentary appointments.
- Stamps can only be collected on payments made by Cash, Credit/Debit Cards, Bank Transfers and Gift Cards.
- Stamps cannot be collected on payments made by Complimentary Vouchers and Reward Vouchers.
Redeeming Rewards
- The loyalty card 10% and 25% off treatment rewards cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer and cannot be redeemed on retail products
- Free facial includes: Superficial Chemical Peel, Simply Dermaplaning, Radio Frequency Lifting Facial, Deep Cleansing Facials, Rejuvenating Facial, Acne Targeting Facial, Medical Microneedling, Viva Mesotherapy Glow Facial, Dermaplane Facial With Mesotherapy
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