Continuous Payment Authority

Spread the cost of treatment with SkinViva Clinic subscriptions

  • Anti-wrinkle club
  • Skin rejuvenation package

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    Continuous Payment Authority

    SkinViva Clinic's exclusive subscriptions are processed using Continuous Payment Authority

    A simple monthly fee for regular anti-wrinkle and skin rejuvenation treatments.

    Our subscription plans offer affordable, monthly payments, ensuring you never miss an anti-wrinkle treatment without breaking the bank; giving you peace of mind and consistent results.

    Choose from two fabulous subscription options:

    • Anti-wrinkle club
      • Includes THREE lots of anti-wrinkle injections per year for either 2 or 3 areas.
      • Costs are spread over 12 easily managed monthly payments.
    • Skin rejuvenation package

      • Includes FOUR lots of anti-wrinkle injections for either 2 or 3 areas, FOUR lots of LED light therapy treatments (30 minutes), AND a choice between a complimentary Polynucleotide, Jalupro, Deep Cleanse facial, or 1ml standard
      • filler treatment.
      • Costs are spread over 16 easily managed monthly payments.
    SkinViva subscription schemes

    Subscription Scheme FAQ

    How do I book my next treatment?
    We will call you a couple of weeks before you are due for your next treatment. If you would like to book before this, feel free to contact us on 0161 865 1141.
    Can I choose when my future treatments are given?
    It is best to spread the treatments evenly over the year, and then you are not paying for a treatment at the end of the year that has run out.
    I’ve forgotten what’s in my package, where can I find out?
    This will be written on the first page of your contract and repeated on the letter you received when your package was set up. Please feel free to contact us to check on 0161 8651141 or
    I’d like to add treatments to my package, is that possible?
    Your payment plan will reflect the treatment plan you agreed when it was set up. If you want to add more treatments it's no problem - we can set up another plan on your next visit to us or else you could choose to pay as you go for one-off treatments. Contact us on 0161 865 1141 or to discuss your requirements.
    What happens if I find that the treatment lasts longer than anticipated and I don’t need as many treatments in a year as my Direct Debit package provides?
    That’s fine, just let us know and we will make the necessary amendments to reduce your monthly amount. We will refund you for any overpayments that might have occurred.
    Can I change my package so that I get different treatments?
    Yes. If you just want to change the area of the face that you have the BOTOX® or filler, that’s fine. If you’d like a treatment that costs slightly more or less, contact us on 0161 865 1141 or for a quote.

    Continuous Payment Authority FAQ

    What is a continuous payment authority?
    A continuous payment authority (CPA) is a type of recurring payment that a merchant sets up on a customer's card account using their debit or credit card details. As part of this process, the merchant should get the customer's permission ('standing authority') to take payments as and when they're due.
    How do continuous payment authorities work?
    With continuous payment authorities (sometimes also called ‘recurring payments’), the company will ask for the long number across your debit or credit card rather than for your bank details. They are often used for things like payday loans or gym memberships.
    Whilst you might have heard of direct debits and standing orders, continuous payment authorities are slightly different. They do not offer the same guarantee as direct debits and give the company taking the payment more flexibility about when and how much it takes from your account.
    What information does the company need from the payee to set up the continuous payment?
    You must provide the 16-digit long number on your debit or credit card to the company so they can take payments direct from your bank account.
    The CPA effectively gives the merchant or retailer permission to take money out of your account to cover the goods or services it provides on a regular basis. These amounts can vary each time. Once you have given permission for a CPA, it can become a recurring payment until cancelled.
    Can I stop a continuous payment authority?
    You can cancel a continuous payment authority by contacting your bank or the company taking the payment. When you cancel a CPA it means you're withdrawing your permission for the creditor to use your card details in the future.
    Does a CPA affect your credit score?
    It's worth noting that cancelling a CPA does not absolve you of any debt. If you still owe the company money, you should get in touch with them to settle or it could affect your credit rating.
    How do I set up a continuous payment authority?
    Continuous Payment Authorities can be set up online, in person or over the phone. To give a merchant a Continuous Payment Authority on a card account, the customer provides their debit or credit card details (rather than their bank details, which would normally be used to set up a Direct Debit).
    Is a continuous payment authority a Direct Debit?
    Whilst you might have heard of direct debits and standing orders, continuous payment authorities are slightly different. They do not offer the same guarantee as direct debits and give the company taking the payment more flexibility about when and how much it takes from your account.
    While similar to standing orders and direct debits, CPAs can usually be spotted because they require you to provide your card number rather than your bank account and sort number.
    What is the difference between CPA and direct debit?
    Direct Debits means that you are taking payment from a customer's bank account, whereas CPAs mean that you are taking payment from their credit or debit card.
    How is a CPA different to a direct debit or standing order?
    A CPA is different from a direct debit or standing in order in the following ways:
    Set-up - with standing orders and direct debits, you have an agreement with your bank to pay a fixed amount to an individual or company at regular intervals. In the case of direct debits, it’s a contract called a direct debit mandate. If the merchant, for example, an energy company, wants to increase payments, it must inform you in writing first.
    In contrast, with a CPA, your contract is directly with the merchant, giving them permission to take money through your debit or credit card by providing them with the long number on the front of your card. Amounts may vary, for example, in the case of payday loan repayments.
    Cancellation - you can cancel standing orders or direct debits whenever you like through your banking app, online bank account or by contacting your bank. If a payment is taken in error, the Direct Debit Guarantee means your bank provides a full refund – and you won’t have to rely on the company to repay you.
    In the case of a CPA you cancel with your bank or the company taking the payment, and they are legally required to stop taking payments as soon as you request cancellation. You are still entitled to a refund if any money is taken without your permission, but it must be sought from the company in the first instance.
    Can CPA’s be taken out on both a credit or a debit card?
    CPAs can be taken out on both on your credit card and debit card. If you have a recurring payment coming off your credit card, by definition it will be a CPA because credit cards don’t allow any other types of recurring payments.
    How to cancel a continuous payment authority?
    Continuous payment authorities: it is your right to cancel
    In most cases, you should be able to cancel by contacting the company taking the payment and asking it to stop. However, you do have the right to cancel directly with your card issuer. Once you have done this, it must stop payments immediately – it cannot insist that you agree this with the company taking the payment first.
    However, it is recommended you inform both the company taking the payment and your card issuer when cancelling a continuous payment authority.
    You may also want to check your next statement to ensure the payment has been cancelled as requested. Keep in mind that you will still be responsible for paying any money that you owe.
    What are CPAs most commonly used for?
    CPAs can be used for a range of goods and services, including:
    • Payday loan repayments
    • Gym memberships
    • Magazine and website subscriptions
    • Mobile phone and TV subscriptions
    • Debt collection agencies
    • Annual car insurance
    Can I avoid using a continuous payment authority?
    In many cases you might be able to avoid using a CPA if you prefer not to. Alternative options include asking the company whether they are set up to receive direct debits or standing orders, or where possible settling what you owe in a single payment. You could also use a prepaid card. Even though the firm can set up CPA on the card, they will only be able to take money that is pre-loaded.
    Finding CPA payments on your bank statement
    They can be tricky to keep track of because they’re not listed as CPA transactions on your bank statements. You’ll need to go through your statements to check for regular debit payments; if they’re not labelled as direct debit (DD) or standing order (SO) transactions, then it’s likely they’re CPAs.
    Any regular payment on your credit card statement will be a CPA, as it’s the only type of regular payment you can make on a credit card.
    What to do if payments are not cancelled?
    Any related payments taken after you ask for a continuous payment authority to be stopped are considered to be unauthorised transactions. Card issuers must refund these payments and any related charges immediately. If payments continue, contact your card issuer to arrange a refund. If it fails to do so, you should make a complaint to the card issuer and, then, if you are not satisfied with its response, take the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Find out more about how to complain.
    Cancelling a CPA
    If a customer asked you to cancel their CPA, this should happen without delay. It is important that you:
    • did so without unnecessary delay
    • refunded any unauthorised payments

    If a complaint is received by the Ombudsman, they will consider:
    • how long it took you to cancel the CPA
    • whether the customer gave you enough time to cancel the CPA
    • whether your failure to cancel a CPA in time had an impact on the customer
    Checking a CPA has been cancelled
    It’s best practice to contact both the company and bank, and then check your next statement to make sure it has been cancelled. The deadline for stopping a payment is before the close of business on the working day before the payment is due. If you miss the deadline, you can’t stop the payment being taken, but once notified, the company is legally required to act.
    Cancellation of a CPA can be done over the phone, by email or in a bank branch. It’s worth noting that cancelling a CPA does not absolve you of any debt. If you still owe the company money, you should get in touch with them to settle or it could affect your credit rating.
    What happens to my CPA if I switch my bank account provider?
    If you’re switching bank accounts through the seven-day switching guarantee, direct debits and standing orders will be automatically moved across, but CPAs won’t.
    To continue payments from your new bank account debit card you’ll have to get in touch with the relevant company and provide your new debit card details.
    The same will be the case if you close your credit card account and set up a new account with a new credit card provider.
    How can I complain about a continuous payment authority?
    If you ask to cancel a CPA, the bank or company must honour this request. If further payments are taken, they are unauthorised and should be refunded. But sometimes things go wrong, and in this case you might need to raise a complaint.
    • Contact the company first – and then your bank or card provider - to see if they can rectify the situation.
    • Provide as much evidence as you can about what happened, including when you signed up for a payment, how much it was for, when you tried to cancel it and what you’re unhappy about.
    • Your bank needs to give you their final response within 15 days for complaints about payment services. If you’re unhappy with their response, or if they don’t respond, you should contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), which is a free and independent arbitration service.
    As well as having difficulties cancelling a CPA, customers might also complain about not authorising the CPA in the first place or being unaware one was being set up. They may also have concerns over the amount or frequency of payments, or not agreeing to renew after an initial term. In such instances you should also make a complaint.
    How will the Ombudsman deal with complaints about a CPA?
    The Ombudsman will look at the evidence to see whether the provider has done something wrong. They will usually take into account:
    • how the CPA was set up
    • any discussions you had with the customer about the CPA
    • the card’s terms and conditions
    • any relevant laws and regulations, including the:
    • what has already been done to put things right
    The Ombudsman may also look at the underlying agreement between the customer and merchant. If the evidence shows the merchant didn’t get the customer’s informed agreement, then the Ombudsman will consider the CPA to be unauthorised. In this case, we’d expect the card provider, to refund any payments under the terms of the Payment Services Regulations. The Ombudsman can also look into a complaint about the merchant itself, if it’s a provider of financial services. This might be where a customer uses a CPA for short-term ‘payday’ loan payments or insurance premiums.
    Putting things right
    If The Ombudsman finds the provider has done something wrong, they will ask them to put things right. This could include refunding any:
    • unauthorised payments (unless the merchant has already refunded these)
    • charges and interest you’ve applied to the customer’s account as a result of unauthorised payments
    The Ombudsman may ask the provider to compensate the customer for any:
    • direct losses they’ve suffered, like charges from a third party because of missed or late payments
    • distress and inconvenience they’ve suffered
    Types of complaints that are seen:  Customers may complain about difficulties in cancelling a CPA. For example, they may say:
    • they’ve struggled to get you, the card provider, to cancel a CPA
    • you didn’t cancel a CPA in time to stop a payment being taken
    Customers may complain about the CPA itself. For example, they may say they:
    • didn’t authorise a CPA on their account
    • were completely unaware they were entering into a CPA – this sometimes happens when signing up to a ’free trial’ offer
    • didn’t agree to the amounts or frequency of the payments
    • didn’t agree to renew the agreement after a fixed term

    Continuous Payment Authority Terms & Conditions

    Please find below the Terms and Conditions on which SkinViva provides Continuous Payment Authority for skin treatments.

    If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us by telephone on 0161 865 1141 or via email on

    Using Continuous Payment Authority

    SkinViva Ltd

    SkinViva Ltd offers its customers the opportunity to set up a Continuous Payment Authority, whereby customers can safely and securely provide their credit card details and SkinViva Ltd will take the payment following the parameters laid out by the customer.

    SkinViva Ltd offers two agreements when setting up CPA:

    1/ Limited Recurring Payments Agreement

    • SkinViva Ltd can take variable payments at any time, within limits that you, the customer, places on:
      • The total amount payable
      • The payments interval
    • SkinViva Ltd will ask you to allow an amount, up to a specified limit, to be debited from your card either at any time or a fixed interval.
    • The amount and interval may both be subject to limitations depending upon the limited agreement option chosen.
    • This allows payment to take place at any time or at a fixed interval. Payments can run indefinitely or over a fixed period.
    • SkinViva Ltd will specify the amount to be collected from your card based on the amount left on your SkinViva Ltd account balance and the agreement amount the account is to be topped up to.
    • Once the amount has been specified, payment will take place immediately unless it is not currently permitted because of the limitations set in the agreement.
    • SkinViva Ltd can change the amount once the agreement has been created, but only within the limit originally agreed with the shopper.
    • An agreement can be cancelled by you at any time.

    2/ Regular Recurring Payments Agreement

    • Your payments will occur at regular fixed intervals and you can fix or vary the amount paid.
    • SkinViva Ltd will ask you to allow the same amount to be debited from your card automatically at a regular fixed interval.
    • This allows payments to take place at a regular fixed interval.
    • Payments can run indefinitely or over a fixed period.
    • A regular agreement can initiate the payment whenever it is required.
    • The amount only has to be specified once by you, when the regular agreement is created.
    • If the amount is not specified when the agreement is created, the amount must be set at least two weeks before the first payment is due.
    • You can change the amount once the agreement has been created.
    • Note that the change must be made at least 8 days before the next payment is due.
    • An agreement can be cancelled by you at any time.

    What happens when you make a payment?

    We will immediately deduct the amount from your specified account. You will receive an email confirmation at the point the payment is taken.

    What happens when you set up regular payments?

    Regular payments will be made via your chosen credit or debit card. It should be noted that this is not a Direct Debit therefore payments are not covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee. We will use a Continuous Payment Authority (CPA) that allows us to attempt to transaction payments after a previous failed payment attempt. The advantage of CPA is that you will not incur any charges directly from us or your bank for a failed payment that you could incur with a direct debit. However, you may be charged by your bank for overdraft fees or other fees related to your balance.

    The initial payment will be deducted from your specified account, we will then deduct the outstanding payments on the payment due dates indicated in your confirmation email. Where the due date is not a business day, we will withdraw from your funds on the next business day. The payments will cease on the last due date listed in your regular payments. You will receive a confirmation email when the payment schedule has been paid in full.

    What happens if you need to change your regular payments?

    For any changes to be made please contact 0161 865 1141 as soon as possible. We can then make the necessary amendments.

    If you want to cancel your regular payments

    You must notify us at least 10 business days before the next scheduled transaction. To cancel your regular payments please telephone 0161 865 1141.

    If you need to update your account information

    Please call us on 0161 865 1141 at least 10 business days before the next scheduled transaction for the update to take effect.

    If a transaction is refused by your financial institution

    If your regular payment is declined for any reason, including insufficient funds, closed account, or unauthorised account, SkinViva Ltd will contact you on the email address provided when setting up the agreement and making your first payment. This email will notify you that payment has failed. It shall inform you that we will attempt to transact payment on each working day for the subsequent 2 working days. If the transaction is still refused after the 3rd attempt, the regular payments will be cancelled. All parties will receive an email from SkinViva Ltd informing us that the payment schedule has been cancelled.

    If you wish to make a complaint

    To raise any issues of concern you may write to SkinViva Ltd, 19B Quay Street, St John’s Court, Manchester M3 3HN quoting your Agreement Number and the details of your complaint. We will aim to respond to you within 15 business days.


    We may share information we collect about you with external service providers. Our agreements with these service providers require that they protect your information and only use it to carry out the services they are performing for you.

    Unauthorised Use

    If you think your account has been accessed without your permission, contact us immediately on 0161 865 1141. We also advise you to contact your financial institution.

    Subject Access Requests

    Under the UK Data Protection Act, You have the right to ask Us to see the personal information that We hold about You (this is known as a ‘subject access request’) by writing to Us. We may charge You a Subject Access Request Fee for each subject access request that You make. We will generally respond to a subject access request within 40 calendar days of receiving: (a) the Subject Access Request Fee; (b) information that We need in order to identify You; and (c) the information You need.

    Continuous Payment Queries

    If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us by telephone on 0161 865 1141 or via email on

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