Non-Surgical Nose Job – New Photos

Before & After Pictures

Very few people like their noses and lots actively hate them. There are many reasons why people dislike their noses – they can be too small or large, too wide or narrow, off-centre, too straight or with an obvious ‘hump’.

Injectable nose jobs have really revolutionised the way people think about their noses. Using advanced techniques, many of these problems can be smoothed out using long-lasting dermal fillers. Sceptical? Take a look at SkinViva’s latest nose reshaping before and after pictures. 

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    Before & After Treatment Results

    Nose Reshaping Fillers

    Rhinoplasty vs Non-Surgical

    While rhinoplasty surgery offers an opportunity to alter nose shape, for many people it is just not an option. The cost for a start is in the region of £4-5k, but in addition, nose reshaping surgery is quite a drastic measure. The procedure usually involves breaking and resetting the nose, perhaps with some removal of bone or cartilage too. Recovery involves a week resting and wearing a cast – which obviously inhibits public life and means time off work. After that, bruising can remain for some time and it is said that the swelling takes a year to fully go down.

    By comparison, non-surgical nose reshaping with fillers does indeed have a number of positive benefits:

    Nose Reshaping Fillers, Manchester

    SkinViva in Manchester are one of the few companies that offer this non-surgical alternative to the nose job; advanced use of modern dermal fillers to gently smooth out the shape of the nose.

    It is amazing how quickly not just the nose, but the overall profile of the face and balance of features can be transformed.

    Injectable filler products are also available for contouring the cheekbones and filling under-eye hollows, as well as smoothing out lines and wrinkles.

    Treatment is available at SkinViva clinics across the North West, including locations in Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire, Manchester, Stockport and Bury.

    For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please call 0161 865 1141, email

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