Have you ever looked at your face and just thought “why do I look so tired?”, “why has my face dropped?”, “why do I look angry all the time?” …but you’re apprehensive about treatment, in fear of looking done.
You’re not the only one.
This makes you the perfect client for SkinViva’s NEW Advanced Facial Analysis.
Our clinicians will draw up a treatment plan bespoke to you; based on your ratios, and any hopes and fears you may have regarding treatment. A step-by-step plan to help you reach your goals.
At SkinViva, we want you to make an informed decision that’s right for you.
An AFA will give you confidence in knowing the path you need to take to maximise your happiness, confidence and self esteem to live life to the full.
The outcome will be a menu that you can reflect on and use to choose the treatments that will most make you happy.
We want the plan to fit with your broader life; cost, frequency and number of injections. This is the information that puts you in control.
Understanding the bigger picture of ageing or beauty requires consciousness of the details. Just like seeing a TV screen is different to seeing the pixel, your signs of ageing are not a distraction or a problem, but you do need to be conscious of them to take control.
Many clients self-diagnose. An Advanced Facial Analysis directly deals with this common issue. Maybe their friend has had Botox and they look great, so they think that by doing the same, it will help them address their issues.
In our new holistic approach, however, we’re looking at the whole face, rather than focussing on one area (such as frown lines or lips).
Faces all age differently and have unique proportions. Careful analysis is vital to create results that maximise beauty, freshness but retain your character.
At SkinViva, our ethos is all about achieving natural results. We’ll happily turn away clients who have unrealistic goals, are after an extreme look or who’ll just never be happy. Our aim is for you to walk away happy, the best version of yourself.
Dr Tim regularly compares his profession to restoring an antique – taking it back to its true beauty. Averting the eye to distractions. The same applies to an AFA. We’re looking at the whole picture.
Example: The visible signs of ageing start around the midface, so although lip fillers are great at restoring natural volume loss, by starting with a cheek enhancement (that lifts as well as enhances), you’re more likely to avoid looking “done” and out of proportion.
It’s this valuable medical knowledge that makes the difference in an AFA.
How much does an Advanced Facial Analysis cost?
Like all our consultations, it’s free. Why? Because we want you to be comfortable with any decision you make. And by putting a value to a consultation, it relieves that feeling of being pressured into going forward with treatment.
We just require a £15 deposit to secure your booking, but this is refunded upon arrival for your AFA or it can be used against any treatment you do decide to have.
Who can have an Advanced Facial Analysis?
Anyone – it doesn’t matter if you’re 20yrs old or 60yrs old, everyone is eligible for an AFA.
Treatment plans are adapted to your goals, your age and the anatomy of your face.
What will I walk away with from an Advanced Facial Analysis?
Due to the in-depth holistic approach, you will walk away from an Advanced Facial Analysis appointment with concrete description of how we can help you achieve your goal.
It’s not based on feeling, it’s based on fact – a combined analysis of rules, ratios and proportions.
Do I have to have treatment on the same day as my consultation?
No, not at all. In fact, most clients don’t have treatment the same day – it’s your freedom. The purpose of the consultation is to analyse your face and for our clinicians to get an understanding of what’s important to you.
Answering questions, addressing your fears and being able to justify to yourself each injection. Our aim is for you to leave the consultation with a better understanding of what’s expected to reach your goals.
Our aim at the clinic is to raise the bar of what everyone expects from medical aesthetics, whilst providing a heartfelt service. And an Advanced Facial Analysis is just one of the latest ways we’re delivering that promise to clients.
To enquire about an Advanced Facial Analysis or to find out more, please call our team on 0161 865 1141. We’re here to answer any of your questions!
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