The BBC2 documentary series “Inside Harley Street” offers a fascinating peek inside the frontages of some of the UK’s top medical businesses and their patients.
Created by acclaimed documentary-maker Vanessa Engle’s, the series explores the world of Harley Street and the surrounding medical neighbourhood. As the BBC’s media centre introduces the series:
Harley Street is a world-famous British brand, a byword for medical excellence and an exclusive and reassuringly expensive one-stop shop offering a bespoke remedy for every health problem imaginable.
For more information or to catch it on iPlayer
Part two of Inside Harley Street concentrated on cosmetic procedures, including both surgical and non-surgical. It included a look at popular skin treatments such as botox and dermal fillers, a growth area in London’s top medical district which is taking more and more clinic space in the district.
Property in the area is at a premium and this is clearly reflected in the prices companies charge their clientele.
However, many of the cosmetic procedures are available elsewhere in the UK and it is not necessary to travel to London or pay extra when they can be arranged with top aesthetic medical professionals much closer to home.
SkinViva have been providing cosmetic treatments such as Botox and Dermal fillers in the North West since 2008. Their team of aesthetic clinicians are highly trained and experienced and many also work as trainers themselves for those wishing to develop skills.
Prices at SkinViva compare competitively to London’s Harley Street. The Aesthetic Doctor featured in the programme charges £390 for dermal fillers, whereas SkinViva offer dermal fillers from £199.
SkinViva offer free consultations at their main clinic in Manchester and also at an extensive choice of conveniently located locations across the North West, including Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire, Manchester, Stockport and Bury. A consultation is always required prior to any cosmetic treatment and this is arranged with an experienced aesthetic medical professional, who would be able to carry out treatment at the same appointment if required.
For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation with a cosmetic doctor or dentist, please call 0161 865 1141, email
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