Could Facial Exercise Help or Harm Treatment Results?

When it comes to anti-ageing treatments, first timers are often nervous about moving their faces too much after treatment.

It is a natural concern that you would not want to disturb the careful injections or worse still, have your face frozen in the wrong position.

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    Actually those concerns are quite unfounded.

    You can feel free to smile, laugh, frown, grimace or pull any kind of face you want after injectable treatment.

    In fact, new research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology indicates that facial exercise after anti-wrinkle injections actually speeds up the effect by a about a day. The movement is thought to speed up the process of binding to nerve cell receptors, which is what causes the muscles to relax, smoothing out frown lines and crow’s feet for a fresher, more youthful appearance.

    Lead study author Dr. Murad Alam, who is Professor of Dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, said:

    “Patients often leave getting their Botox to the last minute.

    “If people get their botulinum toxin right before a social engagement or important work event, they may worry it won’t start working in time. Speeding up the effects could be important to people.”

    The study looked at the effects of botulinum toxin treatment for forehead wrinkles on 22 adult women. Half exercised their facial muscles for 4 hours after treatment and the other half did not. The post-treatment facial exercises included raising and knitting the brows with three sets of 40 repetitions 10 minutes apart. At the next treatment 6 months later, the participants swapped roles to eliminate any individual response.

    The results showed improvement in forehead wrinkles in 2-3 days for those who moved their faces compared to 3-4 days for those who didn’t, so facial exercise meant earlier results.  68% of the women studied believed exercising made the results kick in faster and 59% found the facial exercises very easy to do.However, there was no difference in the longer term – the treatments worked the same amount of time.

    The conclusion is certainly very reassuring for anyone who feels nervous about moving their face after having anti-wrinkle injections!

    Anti-Ageing Treatment – More Information

    Remember, if you are considering having any injectable treatment, the first step is to have a consultation. As well as assessing your face and discussing your concerns, your practitioner should then explain all the treatment options, along with any aftercare advice. This is all carried out during your consultation and before undertaking any treatment. If you have any concerns or queries, feel free to ask.

    SkinViva Manchester

    SkinViva was established in 2008 and has an excellent reputation for offering high quality skin treatments in the North West.

    SkinViva’s team of Aesthetic Practitioners offer a range of non-surgical treatments with advanced use of injectable skin treatments. The team is led by fully qualified doctor and Clinical Director, Dr Tim Pearce MB ChB BSc (Hons) MRCGP and operates to very high standards.

    Free Consultations

    Their team offer free consultations at their main clinic in Manchester.

    A consultation is always required prior to any cosmetic treatment and this is arranged with an experienced aesthetic clinician. The same individual would carry out treatment and this can normally be done at the same appointment if required.

    For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation with an Aesthetic Clinician, please call 0161 865 1141, email

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