Refer a Friend

Recommendation Reward Scheme

How it Works

SkinViva has been built on word of mouth with recommendations from loyal patients bringing us many new clients over the years.

Our Refer a Friend scheme is designed to thank and reward our patients for introducing new clients, as well as giving those new to us a one-off introductory discount.

When you introduce a new patient to us, they will get £30 credit on their account to use against their first treatment. Once they’ve had their first treatment, you will be rewarded with £30 credit on your account.

How to Refer

We’ve tried to make this as simple as possible, so you can refer in two ways:

  1. By telephone – simply call us up with your friend’s details and we’ll do the rest
  2. By referral form – use the simple form below – remember, we do need to have valid contact details for your friend, so please fill in phone number or email (or both if you have them)

    Your Information

    Please read our Privacy Policy and Fair Processing Policy for more information on emails and subscriptions

    Your Introduction

    You MUST have your friend's permission

    Keely SkinViva

    Considering Treatment?

    Download our free guide telling you everything you need to know.

    Facial Measurement

    Terms & Conditions

    ‘Pay-as-you-go’ Clients

    • The new client will be entitled to £30 off their first treatment
    • The patient making the referral will get £30 added to their account when their friend goes ahead with a skin treatment. This can be redeemed at the next skin treatment whenever in the future that takes place

    Monthly Payment Clients

    • New clients signing up to a monthly payment plan will receive £30 off the total value of the plan, spread evenly over the duration of the plan

    General Terms and Conditions

    • The person referred to us must be new to SkinViva
    • Refer a Friend scheme discounts cannot be combined with any other offer
    • Refer a Friend scheme discounts will be added to each client’s account for use on a future skin treatment. No change will be given and no cash option is available

    FREE Brochure

    Download our guide to skin treatments and find out what makes SkinViva different. Trust our experts in looking and feeling great!

      Please read our Privacy Policy and Fair Processing Policy for more information on emails and subscriptions