Temple Hollows

SkinViva’s temple hollow treatment is designed to tackle the dips that can appear on the temples, opening out the eye area.

Why choose temple hollow treatment?

Smoothing Away Ageing Hollows

While many people think first of treating wrinkles, it is the bigger changes to the facial structure which can be more ageing.

SkinViva’s new temple hollow treatment is designed to tackle the dips that can appear on the temples.

This is the area on the side of the head, close to the eyes. When volume is lost here, it can give the face quite a gaunt and unhealthy look, which patients dislike.

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    How does temple hollow treatment work?

    Temple hollow rejuvenation with dermal fillers...

    Treating the temple hollows area is something that many practitioners don’t even contemplate, yet use of modern dermal fillers can achieve remarkable results. The revolumisation looks very natural yet the anti-ageing effect is immediate and highly effective.

    This is a sophisticated treatment which is available with SkinViva’s Aesthetic Clinicians, who have been trained and mentored by Clinical Director Dr Tim Pearce in his own specially developed techniques.



    Dr Tim says...

    Dr Tim Pearce, MBChB BSc (hons) MRCGP particularly enjoys this area of treatment as he finds the results so rewarding:

    Temple Hollows are one of the less commonly talked about signs of ageing – mainly because our eyes are usually drawn to lines and wrinkles caused by volume loss, rather than the volume loss itself.

    Volume loss in the temple gives what is sometimes described as a ‘skeletal’ appearance, causing a shadow in the area that is never present in youth.  The skeletal description is quite accurate – the change is actually the shape of the bones revealed by volume loss.

    Filling this area with a dermal filler such as Juvederm Ultra or Juvederm Voluma gives an instant improvement  and lasts longer than the average dermal filler treatment and delivers a completely natural looking rejuvenation.

    How much does temple hollow treatment cost?

    Temple hollow treatment prices

    Treatment Price 6 monthly payments Deposit
    Juvederm Volbella 1ml* £425.00 £35.42 £212.50

    Got a Question?

    Who is the Temple Hollow Treatment for?
    The technique is ideal for anybody who finds hollows or depressions appearing to the side of their eyes on the temples.
    What product is used?
    Our experts favour long-lasting Juvederm. Hyaluronic acid facial fillers that are made using a new technology which enables it to retain its shape and position for much longer.
    Is treatment reversible?
    Yes, if required the filler can be dissolved with another injection. This very rarely happens, but it good to know for those cautious about having treatment.
    How long do the results last?
    Results of temple hollow treatment can last from 1-2 years, depending on the patient. When results fade with time, treatment can be repeated and indeed adjusted to suit the patient.
    Do I need any consultation before treatment?
    Our Clinicians will always provide a consultation before treatment. Unlike many of our competitors, we offer this consultation free of charge to enable patients to fully discuss and understand their treatment without having any financial commitment.
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