Brow Lift Without Surgery

Advanced Botox Injections By Dr Tim Pearce, MBChB BSc (hons) MRCGP

Lifting the eyebrows with a botox treatment is often requested at my clinic, and is sometimes called the ‘Hollywood brow lift’  or a lateral brow lift.  It tends to go with an arched eyebrow which is currently fashionable and a rejuvenating.

It works in two main ways.  One is the relaxation of muscles that usually pull the eyebrows down, allowing the brow elevators to lift them higher, and the other is by affecting the resting tone of the brow elevators. By half treating the forehead muscle, the untreated areas lift the brows better even when at rest.

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    There are also various stages of eyebrow lift, from very subtle lift by just treating the crow’s feet areas, to the most effective lift gained by treating all three major muscle groups in the upper face.

    Who is suitable for a brow lift?

    There are too many variations to generalise too much, but one of the key things that make for a good eyebrow lift is a long eyebrow.  Short eyebrows that end just above the pupil or there abouts, when lifted will mean the tail of the eyebrow becomes the highest point of the brow- just like Dr Spock!

    Your SkinViva doctor will look out for this before treating you, to be sure you get a desirable result.

    The nice thing about eyebrow lifts, is that if you are afraid of getting too strong a lift it is actually very easy to reverse it by adding a tiny little bit of extra botox into the lifting muscle.

    Non-Surgical Eye Brow Lift

    SkinViva in Manchester are one of the few companies that offer this sophisticated use of botox for lifting the eyebrows. Their team of doctors & dentists are highly trained in advanced botox techniques.

    Injectable botox treatment is available at SkinViva clinics across the North West, including locations in Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire, Manchester, Stockport and Bury.

    For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please call 0161 865 1141, email

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