We definitely talk a lot about treatments that combat ageing here at SkinViva, yet today we want to talk more about the actual ageing process.
We all know about lines and wrinkles appearing. But what about the 8 rare facts about ageing that people don’t tell you about…
So, we can’t change facts, but we can help you out with different treatments that aim to reverse the ageing process.
Such as a dip in the nose can be reversed by using filler to lift the tip! Clever, huh? Or Botox injections aim to relax the muscle, which is a great way to reduce lines and wrinkles.
Pop in for a free consultation and we can give you options that will suit your needs.
SkinViva Manchester
SkinViva was established in 2008 and is the best in the North West for offering excellent skin treatments such as fillers and anti-ageing injections.
Their team offer free consultations at their main clinic in Manchester.
You need to have a consultation before having any cosmetic treatment. This will be arranged with one of our highly experienced medical professionals. The same individual would carry out treatment and this can normally be done at the same appointment if required.
For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation with a cosmetic doctor or dentist, please call 0161 865 1141, email contact@skinviva.com.
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